

 Skin scratch

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Skin SDK: The <scratch> element

The scratch element defines a zone where the user can scratch using the mouse.

Syntax : <scratch visibility="" os="" panel="" deck="">.

Inherited Attributes :
visibility="" os="" panel="" deck=""
See Global Element Attributes

Children :
  • <pos x="" y=""> : Give the position of the scratch zone on the screen. Read further details in Skin Element Position
  • <size width="" height=""> : Give the width and height of the scratch zone.
  • <mousemask x="" y=""> : Give the coordinate of the B&W graphic that should be used as a mask to decide if the mouse is over the scratch zone
  • <mouserect x="" y="" width="" height=""> : Set a simple rect zone as a mouse mask
  • <mousecircle x="" y="" r=""> : Set a simple circle zone as a mouse mask
  • <center x="" y=""> : Give the center of the circular mouse movement

<scratch deck="left">
<pos x="573" y="166"/>
<size width="227" height="227"/>
<mousecircle x="687" y="280" r="114"/>

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